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Pay Attention to Acoustics!

Architects often make the mistake of overlooking
the importance of acoustics as a vital part of their projects. 
Why Are Acoustics Necessary? 
Sound-buffering results are only as good as the level of acoustics introduced. Noise disturbs comfort, privacy, concentration, conversation and most of all productivity. Being able to concentrate while working, to hear the spoken word clearly in a church or synagogue or to have a quiet home environment are all aspects of sound-buffering acoustics properties and vital in creating an ideal and appreciated environment.
Hard, reflective surfaces cause echo and reverberation throughout the space. Sound transmissions from room to room, unaddressed acoustically, detract from a well-designed environment. Un-buffered sound also kills efficient productivity of those working within the space. 
In the work environment, if employees are unable to concentrate due to noise or unwanted sound interference they may become inefficient and productivity lessened. It takes many times more effort to accomplish the same task in a noisy environment compared to acoustically correct space. Office environments with excessive noise levels reduce concentration. Companies may find they are throwing away millions of dollars each year as a result of low productivity due to noise distraction.
Excessive noise levels have become a way of life in our modern environment. Machinery, increased numbers of people in the workplace, telephones, cell phones, computers, open office spaces, building noises and outside influences have all contributed to this problem.
Add to this, sick-building syndrome; polluted by dangerous, degraded fiberglass dust, the health consequences are unimaginable. Understanding the hazards of using fiberglass should be a priority before you plan your project. 
Unique Features of  Hawkeye Global Thermal Acoustics Products & Services

Hawkeye Global Thermal Acoustics professionals can tune any room to anyone's individual hearing ability and needs including theaters, places of worship, teleconferencing rooms and offices, any room, anywhere!  Our clients include most Fortune 500 companies, NGO's, military offices which require complete privacy and protection from eavesdropping. The materials are LEEDS qualified - contain no asbestos or fiberglass.

Acoustic Services for Architects, Builders, and Property Owners
Interior acoustics, in conjunction with visual design. are the earmarks of a great architect's ability to create an ideal environment.
Property owners often ask architects, after the completion of the project, "Why didn't you think about acoustics for space?  My people can't concentrate. Now we have to invest more money to fix the problem... after the fact !”  
Architects:  We offer our services with no acoustic consulting fee. If your client rejects the proposal for acoustical or insulation work, you are now not liable for sound issues as a result. Our ability to analyze and offer an ideal program is an asset to your project.
There's no excuse for any architect to be acoustically liable after the completion of a project. Unfortunately, the majority of our new clients contact us after-the-fact when sound problems become apparent.  Acquiring after-budget dollars for retrofitting is a difficult process but becomes necessary if a client is unhappy with the results despite the success of the visual appearance of the environment. To avoid this costly mistake, Hawkeye Global Thermal Acoustics acoustical programs and products should be introduced during the design phase. 
Builders and Property Owners: QuietGreen Technologies Products offer high acoustic and insulation performance, energy and cost savings, are visually superior and planet safe. Address acoustical concerns and insist on a Hawkeye Global Thermal Acoustic free space analysis. Our results are guaranteed. Incorporating Hawkeye Global Thermal Acoustics for acoustics during the initial planning stages of a project assures successful, effective, sound-buffering results. 
Why Hawkeye Global Thermal Acoustics is the Preferred Choice
Sound-buffering results are only as good as the level of acoustics introduced. Visually, factory-type panels may look suitable for industrial applications but will win no magazine awards nor garner attention. Hawkeye Global Thermal Acoustics panels create beautiful, functional rooms with superior acoustical properties.
Hawkeye Global Thermal Acoustics manufactures and installs acoustical products behind the drywall to prevent sound transmission and reduce energy costs. Our newest product combines acoustic and insulation materials, 'fine-tuned' as a customized program.

Soundproofing:  Hawkeye Global Thermal
Acoustics offers internal structural acoustics addressing soundproofing and sound transmission prevention for theaters and environments requiring intense solutions.  In addition to private residences, public building benefits from control of sound interference. Negative effects from noise, especially in closed environments, has become a health hazard and is a top priority for true Eco or green buildings. 
The Southern Medical Journal stated: In 1974, in an attempt to protect public health and welfare against the adverse effects of noise, the EPA published so-called safe levels of environmental noise that would permit normal communication both in and out of doors. Noise pollution interferes with the ability to comprehend normal speech and may lead to a number of personal disabilities, handicaps, and behavioral changes. These include problems with concentration, fatigue, uncertainty, lack of self-confidence, irritation, misunderstandings, decreased working capacity, disturbed interpersonal relationships, and stress reactions. Some of these effects may lead to increased accidents, disruption of communication in the classroom, and impaired academic performance. Particularly vulnerable groups include children, the elderly, and those not familiar with the spoken language. 2007
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Hawkeye Global Corporation



Hawkeye Global Thermal &Acoustical Technologies








Acoustical & Thermal Technologies 

and Consultants for over 40 years


425 Madison Ave. 

New York, NY 10017



A Hawkeye Global Corporation- Intellectual Technologies


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